<data:blog.pageTitle/> EZwpthemes. Version: 1.0 Author: EZwpthemes Author URI: http://www.ezwpthemes.com/ Tags: brown, orange, fixed width, two columns, right sidebar, threaded comments, widget ready, adsense ready, pagenavi, social bookmarking, valid xhtml, valid css Template Name: Simple Life Template URI: http://themecraft.net/2009/11/simple-life-blogger-template.html Version: 1.0 Converter: ThemeCraft.net Converter URI: http://themecraft.net Simple Life Blogger Template comes under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Malaysia License. This means it is free to use on your blog, and you must keep the footer link intact, also as a respect to the designer and converter. We sincerely need your respect to continue our free Blogger template production, thank you. 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